Thursday, May 15, 2014

First-Time Homebuyer? Be Prepared for Closing Costs

When you are financing a home purchase rather than paying cash, you need to be prepared to pay some initial fees aside from your first monthly mortgage payment.
If you are purchasing a newly built home, sometimes your builder will cover some of these costs as an incentive for buyers to purchase a home, finance it with a preferred lender and go to settlement with a preferred title company. Resale buyers are also sometimes able to negotiate with the sellers to pay some closing costs depending on local market conditions and the individual terms of the sale.
When you arrange your financing with a lender you should receive an explanation of anticipated closing costs and a Good Faith Estimate. You may even see more than one estimate before you go to settlement, where you will see the final version of the HUD-1 Settlement Statement, a federally mandated form for all mortgage borrowers regardless of whether you are refinancing or purchasing a home.
In general, the fees associated with a home purchase include closing costs, loan discount points and prepaid items.

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